martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

La Propina que ganó el Repartidor de Pizzas en los Oscar

En su segunda participación como presentadora la conductora de televisión, Ellen DeGeneres trató de que las celebridades parecieran más bien personas normales. Les repartió trozos de pizza entre las primeras filas del Teatro Dolby, y luego les pasó un sombrero para que pagaran por ellas.

Una pizzería de Los Ángeles se convirtió el domingo en protagonista durante la noche de los Óscarcuando uno de sus repartidores apareció en directo durante la ceremonia para entregar porciones de pizza a los famosos del cine.

Se trató de un empleado del comercio situado en Sunset Bulevar perteneciente a la franquicia Big Mama's & Papa's Pizzeria, que cuenta con una red de 20 establecimientos en el sur de California concentrados en el condado de Los Ángeles y alrededores.

El pedido se trasladó en un vehículo de la organización del evento para que el repartidor de pizzas flanqueara el cerco de seguridad que protegía el entorno del teatro Dolby.

Ataviado, el empleado irrumpió con tres cajas cuyo contenido degustaron desde Julia Roberts, a Meryl Streep, pasando por Jennifer Lawrence, Brad Pitt, Kevin Spacey, Harrison Ford, Martin Scorsese, Jamie Foxx, Channing Tatum, entre otros.

Luego de esto, la comediante pasó un sombrero para realizar una colecta entre los invitados, donde se recogieron unos 600 dólares, y 400 más que puso Ellen para que el repartidor recibiera una propia de 1000 dólares.

El empleado de The Big Mama's & Papa's dio su testimonio y recibió el dinero en el programa The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

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viernes, 21 de febrero de 2014

"Revenge" against the founder of WhatsApp Face

One of creators of the application was rejected by the social network in 2009. The other traveled a hard road to success

The sale of WhatsApp to Facebook is the most expensive in the technology world in the last ten years. The owners have managed to sell 19,000 successful application billion in representing not only a great financial move. Facebook will pay for their work is a personal vendetta.

Brian Acton, one of the founders of the instant messaging application was rejected by Facebook in 2009. then, he and Jan Koum, the other founder, had just left his job at Yahoo and had to stay. This was the tweet in which he told his misfortune.

Brian Acton @ brianacton Follow Facebook turned me down. It was a great opportunity to connect with some fantastic people. Looking forward to life's next adventure. 4:14 PM - 3 Aug 2009

"Facebook rejected me. It was a great opportunity to connect with great people. Expect got an upcoming adventure in life."

But this was not the only company that refused. Days ago, Twitter had said no, and was comforted by the social network with this sentence: "I have been a long time coming and going," collects "El País". Acton says Forbes, is now about 20% of the company, so 3000 would receive about $ 200 million.

OTHER MILLIONAIRE Acton's story seems to be nothing compared to what he had to live his partner Jan Koum before becoming a millionaire. This Ukrainian born in a village on the outskirts of Kiev came to America to diecséis years with his mother. His father had died and they were so poor they had to eat with the help of the government, which gave them coupons.

Koum was precisely the visionary instant messaging application. Brought up in communist Russia, was used to make conversations tapped and people were talking quietly so as not to be heard by the intelligence service of the Russian government. It was then that he realized that the person to person communication worked better.

Koum Life was not rosy. He came to America fatherless boy and his mother died of cancer in 2000. He studied at the University of San Jose State when he received a call from Yahoo: I wanted to explore the data of the users of search in order to sell advertising. He left the school forever. The rest is history: U.S. $ 6,800 million will be in your bank account.

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They used to decontaminate worn banknotes water and air

They used to decontaminate worn banknotes water and air

An investigation by the National University of Colombia showed that unused tickets can become an activated carbon removes contaminants.

"Paper money that was hitherto discarded wear now have a second life: it may become a material decontaminating wastewater and removes air pollutants," says a study by the National University of Colombia.

According to the report, in the case of Colombia, the high-denomination banknotes circulating in the country have a lifespan ranging between one and two years and four months. The amount of damaged banknotes annually to reach 169 million pieces destroyed, equivalent to about 172.4 tons of gravel-residue resulting from destruction.

María Paula Franco, Masters in Chemical Engineering from the National University of Colombia, conducted an investigation in which this material was converted to an activated charcoal decontamination discharges resulting from the process of manufacturing and printing of tickets.

This material, quote Franco, can be used for removing contaminants from air and water and cleaning effluent (resulting dumping of numerous industrial processes).

The researcher also adds that the Colombian airline fibers are made of cotton, a material suitable for recycling through composting in order to return it to the ground.

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For a rare allergy, a kid can only eat candy

For a rare allergy, a kid can only eat candy

It is a British boy of three years, suffering from Eosinophilic enterocolitis, which causes an extreme allergic reaction if other food ingested.

To live feeding candy? What looks like a not recommended for kids diet is all you can eat Finley Ranson, a British boy three years suffering from Eosinophilic enterocolitis.

It is a strange enfermad, which prevents you from eating normal foods without suffering an extreme allergic reaction. Specialists explain that the body of baby food fight as if they were a virus, which generates internal bleeding. So, the only food that your body can tolerate sweets.

The boy made a series of genetic tests in Great Ormons Street Hospital in London to try to find the cause of his strange illness, however, could not yet determine the causes of the condition.

His mother, Rhys, who tried everything to find a food that will not cause allergies, started giving sweets to small, on the advice of another mother. Surprisingly, the baby had no other side effects, so doctors approved to continue fed on them.

Obviously Finley's life is not easy: small is fed six times a day through a tube, through which it acquired the necessary nutrients for your body, by having a highly liquid nutritional formula components and which is connected to his stomach.

Finley's older sister, Georgia, also suffers from the same disease, though his allergic reaction is not as severe as his. Unlike the baby, she can eat many foods, except dairy, eggs and soybeans, according to the Daily Mail

They moved by the harsh conditions of the children, friends and relatives of Finley raised over 12,000 euros to investigate the causes of allergic reactions and improve their quality of life.

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Tourists are photographed naked in Machu Picchu

The appearance of photographs, taken in November 2013, two tourists posing naked in the citadel of Machu Picchu in Cusco, has created a stir on social networks.

Both persons were identified as Timothy Liam Rudevies Sydney (18), of Australia, and Topp Jared Mathew (30), New Zealand.

It was learned that the Regional Directorate of Culture intervened in the area called the Guardian House, and reported to the Joint Agency of Machu Picchu. The minutes of police action was on November 24 last year.

Note that this is not the first time foreign tourists star in such an event. On Youtube you can see a video, the recording date is unknown, two people running naked in the Inca citadel.

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miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2014

Explain the origin of the mysterious animal found in ca

RARE. The animal was found in a field two years ago. The mystery generated by the discovery of a strange animal in a field area Leubuco party, Adolfo Alsina, seems to have found a logical explanation.

After you observe some veterinarians concluded the same thing: it would be a bovine abortion that survived a few minutes, enough for a farmhand found him and killed him scare a shovel.

"To avoid misunderstandings, apparently abortion would be a cow with the passage of time has made that meets these characteristics such as elongated neck. But there are others such as the conservation of hair on the animal and neck also coincides with the diameter of a bovine, the position of the ears that appear below, against the jaw is a result of having been suspended from the head, retraction of leather has made the ears go below, "said Daniel Belot, one of the veterinarians who had contact with the body stuffed animal.

As for the possibility of there being a surviving abortion, the specialist noted that "may have been alive for several minutes and this may have coincided with the passage of this person to see him."

Belot brought tranquility to the people: "Do not create doubts and speculations, because you can say things that are not. People to be quiet. "

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A super cast a woman to require "Rates Cuid

A consumer of the locality of Loma Hermosa, in the party of Tres de Febrero, reported that he was thrown from a supermarket for claiming the presence of products of the "Care Prices."

The claim of Naomi Elizabeth Grassi was released by the Association advocate DEUCO consumers and on Saturday 8 February in a branch of the supermarket Day, located on Avenida Eva Peron (former Route 8) No. 9735 occurred.

Among the alleged irregularities observed lack of client placement price of the products on the shelves, making it necessary to approach the box to check the values, so the presence of sum carts loaded corridors include goods that impede access them.

"For all that often made my complaint to the manager of the local who with respect to the lack of price I would answer that reclamase mothers who come shopping with children because it is they who take away prices. Quite simply never echoed the claims were made, "he described.

"With my product list in hand I began to control every time I did my shopping. If beforehand there were no prices were typically less expected finding prices care, and so it was not found many of the brands listed in the list or magazine showing what the Care Rates, "he said.

Given these irregularities, the consumer called the Secretariat of Commerce of the Nation, which first had difficulty placing the branch in the records of the agency and then they said how they should be prices, the existence of the magazine with the prices and if any missing should have a sign explaining the lack of merchandise.

He was then recommended that efectuase claims to supermarket managers. In its complaint, the consumer decribe what happened with every product we had planned to buy. Mostly there was due and buy equivalent products at a higher price.

When I decided to report these claims to be in charge of the place, had a verbal argument with her and finally told that an employee had to be removed from the premises.

"This was what happened. Users We ask that as we control, go, do, claim and receive the mistreatment of these people who keep doing what you want," he said.

"Not just this if behind every complaint is not going to trade and acted as it should. Believe and I am convinced that the closure of each place that does not comply with the agreement would be the best solution," concluded the complainant.

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